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Kinesiology and Exercise Therapy at the Clinic

Although we tend to advertise our #acupuncture services we also offer #kinesiology and #exercisetherapy at the clinic too! Call us to find out how you can add exercise into your daily life for injury rehabilitation, posture correction or health maintenance. Check your extended health benefits package to see if you have coverage!
“Although simple and intuitive, exercise is one of the single most effective means to enhance recovery from injury or illness, and to manage and improve health.
Registered Kinesiologists, Ontario’s experts in the science of movement, can help reduce absenteeism, reduce claims and associated claims costs, return workers to jobs sooner and safely, reduce duration of claims and increase on the job productivity.
There is also a strong body of evidence of the critical importance that exercise and physical activity plays in the prevention and management of chronic disease and injury. Kinesiologists are becoming key members of health care teams.”
To schedule an appointment please call reception at 647.299.4631, email: or book online via
#exercisetherapy #Kinesiology #Ontario #Vaughan #RegisteredKinesiologist #CollegeOfKinesiologistsOfOntario #CKO

One-on-one exercise prescription unique to your body's needs.
One-on-one exercise prescription unique to your body’s needs.
Posted in Kinesiology & Exercise Therapy

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