You’re Invited….
5th Annual HHC Open House & Holistic Health Fair – Saturday June 14!
Join Vaughan’s #1 Holistic Health Clinic for a fun-filled day of food, activities and music. This is a FREE event and is open to the public.
We are celebrating our 5th year of being Vaughan’s leading Holistic and Alternative Medicine Centre. Since this is our 5th anniversary we are planning for this day to be our biggest event yet. Check out what we have planned:
- Organic BBQ provided by Nature’s Emporium Health Market
- Health seminars and lectures throughout the day
- Yoga classes
- Art Therapy for kids
- Massage demos and chiropractic assessments
- Basket raffle donated by Peter & Paul’s Gift
We are excited to announce that we have two VERY important special guests this year: NHL Veteran Gary Roberts and Nutritionist Julie Daniluk!
For a complete itinerary and to register for the event click here: