Happy Lunar New Year! Welcome the Year Of The Dog 🐕 If you are born in 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982 or 1994 this is your year to SHINE!
Based on 5 Element Theory this is an Earth Dog year. This is a good year to ground yourself and reconnect with nature 🌍
The colour associated with the Earth element is Yellow, so yellow will be the lucky colour this year ⚂
Dogs are known for their loyalty and this will be a common theme this year. Think: loyalty, honesty, friendship and being responsible for the welfare of others (i.e service dogs).
Negative traits of a dog are that they can be impulsive and aggressive. So this year you may find it difficult to control your emotions. But just as a dog can be trained, you too can train yourself to keep your cool in stressful situations.
Dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend” making people born in the year of the dog to be awesome friends to have. Consider yourself lucky if you have a dog-person in your life!
Wishing you all the best for the year ahead!
Happy Lunar New Year!
Posted in Celebrations